Thank you for the unforgettable memories quotes
Thank you for the unforgettable memories quotes

thank you for the unforgettable memories quotes

Thank you very much for the farewell dinner that you organized for me last night. Now, it is my turn to go to another place for pursuing higher studies. You were my best friend from the first day.

  • Our journey together in this college was so good.
  • Thanks for your generosity and thanks for organizing a big farewell party for me.
  • We may have to move away from each other my friend, for our work but the memories we have created can never fade away.
  • Goodbye and good luck for your higher studies.
  • Thank you, my friends, for organizing such a grand farewell in my honor, we may part away physically as this is the last day of my college, but our hearts will be always etched together.
  • Goodbyes are often the toughest thing to say but I have to say goodbye to my dearest friends in the good hope of meeting you all again.
  • Thanks, everyone for throwing a fabulous farewell party in my honor. I got to learn so much from my colleagues and my boss was so good.
  • It was such a satisfying experience working in this company.
  • Thanks my dear colleagues for organizing such a cool farewell party for me. The environment of this company was so friendly and my colleagues were so helpful.
  • Working in this company was an life-changing experience.
  • Thank you for organizing a farewell party in my honor. Your kind and thoughtful words motivated me to take this decision with courage. But since I have to shift to another city because of some personal goals, I am going to another company.
  • I got so used to working in this company that the thought of working in any other company haunted me.
  • I shall never forget your encouraging words. It was an amazing party with an extraordinary experience.

    thank you for the unforgettable memories quotes

    Thanks to my team, for the awesome farewell party.Thanks for the nice words and I hope to execute your advice in my new company. Thanks a lot for the splendid dinner and the grand farewell party that you hosted for me.

    thank you for the unforgettable memories quotes

    My dear colleague, your wise words are an eye-opener for me.Thanks for your kind gesture and thanks for the fabulous farewell party. It takes a lot of courage to get out of your comfort zone and work in a new company with new people, but your words of encouragement are a boon to me.I shall always cherish the memories of this unforgettable experience. It is always hard to say goodbye to close friends, but you made it easy by hosting such a fun-filled farewell party for me.All the best for your future and keep in touch. Thanks for everything from the bottom of my heart. Your hosting of a farewell party for me proves that you are truly my best colleague. You have always been so kind and helpful to me. You were my only friend when I joined this office.I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Thanks for hosting the lovely farewell party in my honor. Your kind and encouraging words shall be forever etched in my memory.Dear friend, we have been working together for a long time but I never knew your feelings for me, yesterday after you hosted the grand farewell dinner for me, I came to know that I hold such a special place in your heart.Hope this is not the end of everything, keep in touch, I hope to see you soon again. I am overwhelmed and touched by your sweet gesture. Thanks for the big farewell party that you hosted for me last night.Thank you for giving me such a nice farewell party.I was so overwhelmed by all the love and affection of my colleagues. My dear colleague, every end has a new beginning and you made my end day very special by throwing a farewell party in my honor.thanks for the Farewell party Farewell Party Thank you Messages and Quotes A farewell party has its own special memories attached to it. It is our duty to thank that person for their time and efforts. When we leave a particular job and someone throws a farewell party in our honor we feel so special and honored. As a new beginning of a new job has so many emotions attached to it so the last day also has different emotions. As the first day of joining is important so the last day is also equally important. A farewell is an important occasion in a person’s life.

    Thank you for the unforgettable memories quotes